Trusted•Playback is an analytics service to aggregate and visualize all data relevant to verify media quality and media workflows. This data is shared solely with the authorized stakeholders on digital analytics web dashboards.
Trusted•Playback itself is media independent and supports data from audio, video and motion picture film. This quality describing data can be provided by different applications and services, including media specific products for audio, video and/or film like Calibration-Inspector, and QUADRIGA, but also by Cube Workflow, or by 3rd party software and industrial internet of things sensor systems.
One important use case is to use Trusted•Playback in an outsourced media workflow to monitor compliance with agreed service levels (SLA), for example with a Digitization Service Provider.
At a Glance
The Challenge
"You can't control what you can't measure." Robert A. Kaplan
The Solution
Transparent quality parameters available for all parties and at all times
Permanent Process Improvements and better motivated teams
Background on typical use cases for Trusted•Playback
For forward looking media archives outsourcing of services that are not part of the core business is the way to go. This way it get easier to deal with the ever growing complexity of the technical management of media processing.
Even when the work can be outsourced, the control of the external service can’t!
The Cube-Tec tool chain foster an automated continuous monitoring of the precise fulfillment of SLAs. Trusted•Playback can push a notification automatically as soon as a measurement value is no longer in compliance with the SLA. It's your choice to set the thresholds.
The Cube-Tec team provide assistance to define the technical wording in SLA's for tenders or Digitisation Service Provider contracts.

Core Features
- Display Charts / Metrics
- Multiple Chart Types
- Customizable Metrics (new)
- Live Update Metrics (new)
- Share Metrics (new)
- WYSIWYG Metric Editor (new)
- Drag Widgets
- Lock Widgets (new)
- Show Dashboard
- Change Dashboard Layout
- Add Multiple Widgets
- Adjust Widget Size (new)
- Multiple Dashboards per User (new)
- Multiple User / User Management (new)
- Different User Roles and Permissions (new)
- Multiple Data Inputs (new)
- Handle Independent External Data Sources (new)
- Cloud Ready
- Scalable
- Cross Browser Support (new)
- Encrypted Data and Transfer
- Secure Web Connection (new)