Cube-Tec's ultra-flexible and precise restoration plugins are available for the Audio Rendering Farm - DOBBIN. With the special DOBBIN version of these versatile tools, mass restoration becomes reality. For example, imagine having to remove clicks and crackles from thousands of audio files. This task is very easy when using DeClicker and DeCrackler within a DOBBIN Job.

Azimuth is a phase correction tool that can compensate for phase errors in tape recordings that were caused by different gap widths between recording and playback.
These phase errors are often the reason for a loss of high frequency information in monosummed signals and detail in the stereo panorama. Azimuth automatically detects and corrects these phase errors with a precision of one twenty-fifth of a sample. Azimuth FPU
Audio Example
Here you can listen to sample files, before and after the automatic restoration. In this sample there are 4 parts of each 5 seconds. The first part is the original audio material with the azimuth error, the second the restored material. The third part is the mono sum in original and the fourth part the mono sum restored. With Cube-Tec's AudioCube - Azimuth, detailed presets for specific audio problems can be created for and used with the DOBBIN system. Have a look at the AudioCube - Restoration VPI Azimuth.

The DeClicker removes separately perceptible clicks from audio recordings. No sound coloration will occur during processing; the signal does not become dull or hollow and the auditory space of the recording is maintained.
Audio Example
Here you can listen to sample files, before and after the automatic restoration. In this sample the DeClicker and the DeCrackler has been used. With Cube-Tec's AudioCube - DeClicker, detailed presets for specific audio problems can be created for and used with the DOBBIN system. Have a look at the AudioCube - Restoration VPI DeClicker.

DeClipper is used to recover the loss of peak signals due to clipping from recording over full-scale digital.
In combination with the LoudnessOptimizer declipping can happen with nearly no loss in the dynamic of the audio material.
With Cube-Tec's AudioCube - DeClipper, detailed presets for specific audio problems can be created for and used with the DOBBIN system.
Have a look at the AudioCube - Restoration VPI DeClipper

The DeCrackler has been optimized to remove up to 8000 disturbances per second. The latest adaptive algorithms have been employed, significantly simplifying user operation.
With Cube-Tec's AudioCube - DeCrackler, detailed presets for specific audio problems can be created for and used with the DOBBIN system.
Have a look at the AudioCube - Restoration VPI DeCrackler

The DeNoiser is a broadband, single-ended noise reduction tool that is optimized for tape-hiss removal.
Audio Example
Here you can listen to sample files, before and after the automatic restoration. With Cube-Tec's AudioCube - DeNoiser, detailed presets for specific audio problems can be created for and used with the DOBBIN system.
Have a look at the AudioCube - Restoration VPI DeNoiser

The DeScratcher is used to resolve large scratches up to 1000 samples. Transient disturbances with a length of more than 30 samples demand different audio algorithms from short crackles. DeScratcher is optimized to carefully remove large scratches without destroying the audio program.
With Cube-Tec's AudioCube - DeScratcher, detailed presets for specific audio problems can be created for and used with the DOBBIN system.
Have a look at the AudioCube - Restoration VPI DeScratcher
Audio Example
Here you can listen to sample files, before and after the automatic restoration.

The PlaybackEQ is one of the first tools for the DOBBIN system that can be used for automatic restoration of audio. All DOBBIN Restoration FPUs are based on twenty years of restoration experience, refined and optimized for mass audio file processing.
The PlaybackEQ VPI precisely emulates the analogue circuits of 20 different playback equalizer transfer functions, including RIAA/CCIR, all the different NAB and IEC curves, and numerous others.
Apart from the obvious, there are numerous additional applications for the 'Playback-EQ'. Have you ever wondered if a tape was transferred using CCIR EQ when the NAB curve really should have been used? Do you have some "safety" masters in your archives that were incorrectly identified and copied as RIAA when they were actually flat?
In the past, these have not been easy to check/correct in the digital domain, because no digital EQ was able to accurately reproduce the playback curve characteristics of the analogue pre-amps that have been used at the time. The PlaybackEQ VPI now makes this possible, through amazingly accurate modeling of the original playback equalizer transfer functions.
With Cube-Tec's AudioCube - PlaybackEQ, detailed presets for specific audio problems can be created for and used with the DOBBIN system.
Have a look at the AudioCube - Restoration VPI PlaybackEQ