Legalizer Online Services
The Legalizer Online Expert Service is a unique offering that helps media archives and service providers to deliver fully standard compliant and interoperable MXF media files.
The service is performed in a two-step verification process: First, the uploaded MXF files are deeply and completely automatically QCed, and format describing attributes are extracted and checked against the various MXF SMPTE standards. In a second step, a Cube-Tec MXF Expert re-analyses the QC reports and the MXF files and writes an “understandable” report about his findings. When you upload the files, you can also add questions, problem descriptions, or request the file in a special MXF sub-format such as the German HDF MXF specification or the AMWA AS-10 specification used in France.

How do the commercial conditions look like?
The Legalizer Online Expert Service works like a prepaid phone card. You can order any number of MXF Expert days in advance. With each delivery you receive your cash book with the current account balance back. You can even limit the working time for the uploaded files. In this case, you may receive only a report with intermediate results.
Typical Applications

Some users send files for repair that cannot be edited with their MXF tools. Often we are able to return for the essence losslessly repaired files if transcoding was not required. This means that no additional lossy re-encoding process was required to fix the standard compliance issues.
Other users use the service to seek expert advice so they can better resolve complex interoperability issues with their MXF tool chain providers. In this case, uploading a workflow problem description is helpful, including submitting files created at different steps of the MXF processing tool chain.
In complex cases and legal consequences for the customer, we work exclusively with a four-eye system. This means that our results will be reviewed by a second Cube-Tec MXF expert before being returned to the customer.
Review and correction of a large quantity of MXF files
Several users chose to purchase MXF Legalizer or the highly available MXF Legalizer cluster to validate and correct each MXF file before it is included in the media archive for long-term archival purposes. In this configuration, the Legalizer Online Expert Service can also be used for the few files that cannot be independently corrected by the algorithms of the MXF Legalizer.
For more details, contact the Cube-Tec Team.
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