QUADRIGA•Film Solutions
QUADRIGA has been the world's leading technology for the quality-monitored migration of audiovisual single-carrier archives for over 20 years. In the field of analogue film, Cube-Tec has been offering quality assessment and quality monitoring procedures for years. For this purpose, Cube-Tec engineers developed a novel film scanner technology as well as technologies for the creation and automated application of measurement films.
In order to preserve analogue films appropriately, their mechanical and photochemical condition must be known and suitable digital viewing copies are required. Classical evaluation and digitisation methods rapidly reach their limits, especially with larger film collections. Classical film diagnosis is simply far too time-consuming, classical scanning methods require extensive mechanical preparation of the film material and cannot exclude damage to the sensitive film material, which also makes them unsuitable for this use. A new technology was required to win the race against time and the deterioration of the film heritage.
In order to present this new technology in a appropriate way, we have set up a complete new website: INSPECTIONscan.one

High-quality film scanning no longer has to remain an craftsmanship for experts. For maximized cost-efficiency the transfer can be industrialized with a factory approach for high through-put with better quality-surveillance than ever before.