The hardware base used for QUADRIGA•Audio systems is Cube-Tec's AudioCube workstation.

AudioCube is a multi-channel, 24 bit / 192 kHz integrated audio workstation. The AudioCube system offers the most comprehensive selection of professional audio production tools ever assembled in a single platform. The integration of Audio Analysis, Restoration, Quality Controlled Automated Archiving, Audio Editing, Mastering and DVD-A Authoring in a self-contained workstation provides unparalleled efficiency, throughput and quality control.
- Scalable - Systems can be configured in numerous ways to meet specific requirements
- Expandable - Additional hardware and software components can be added as and when required
- Self Contained - Integration of Analysis, Restoration, Editing, Archiving, Mastering and DVD-A Authoring
- Open Architecture - Windows platform / readily available, non-proprietary hardware components