MXF•Legalizer in the Centre of German Public Broadcasting
The ARD-Sternpunkt in Frankfurt is the central control centre of the German public broadcasting authorities. ARD-Sternpunkt is responsible for the hosting and operation of central technical infrastructures in the field of television, radio, program distribution as well as network & IT infrastructure.
As part of the renewal of the technical infrastructure of the ARD broadcasting centre by the BFE Studio and Media Systems GmbH, the Cube-Tec MXF•Legalizer was installed as a central MXF control and correction system.

LWL Medienzentrum of Westphalia orders Cube-Workflow and Archiving Solution
The Media Center of the "Landschaftsverband Westfalen-Lippe" (LWL) orders Cube-Tec to create a format agnostic, modular and scalable tool for archiving, research and media administration, to optimize their Film/Video/Audio archive workflows.
The realisation has already started, the system will be custom built and setup in multiple steps during a time-frame of one year in Münster, Germany.

Deutsches Rundfunkarchiv extends QUADRIGA•Video Installation
The German broadcast archive "Deutsches Rundfunkarchiv" (DRA) is using QUADRIGA•Video for about a year already to archive their video cassette assets.
As one of its quality assurance measures, QUADRIGA uses the 'Status Monitoring and Diagnostics Protocol' by Sony to monitor signal quality of the ingest machine.

QUADRIGA•Audio installation at RÚV, Iceland
Another Cube-Tec installation was set up at RÚV, the Icelandic National Broadcasting Service. A four-way reel-to-reel audio ingest workstation, complete with full Audiofile•Inspector and InputCycler support was put into operation.

ZDF installs high-availability MXF Legalizer-System
To convert programme deliveries from external partners into an unified in-house MXF format, ZDF had used a video ingest server to decode those files to an uncompressed audio/video format and afterwards re-encode them into said internal MXF format. This process ensured the files had the unified in-house format and possible malicious code could not pass this ’security barrier’. Downsides of this procedure are high effort, loss of metadata and quality deterioration.

Nobeo (now EMG Germany) verifies MXF Legalizer
April 2016, Bremen / Cologne: TV service provider Nobeo from Hürth (near Cologne, Germany) uses the Cube-Tec MXF Legalizer to ensure video file quality of its TV productions. The system has been in productive use since January 2016. Nobeo is the first client to integrate MXF Legalizer into an on location TV workflow.