The MediaPreserve Interviews
In these interviews the team from The MediaPreserve – as one of the largest digitization service providers worldwide – permits a deep insight into their daily work with QUADRIGA•Video. It’s a great opportunity to get first-hand feedback on the operational experience The MediaPreserve team had so far with QUADRIGA•Video (and also QUADRIGA•Audio) in highly demanding client projects.

QUADRIGA•Video migrates 550,000 hours of Videotapes for the National Library of Norway
Approximately 550,000 hours of program material on video cassettes have to be preserved in the National Library of Norway's digital long-term archive. These recordings are part of legal deposit recordings of the Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation. In order to protect these unique broadcasting assets in the long-term, these video cassettes will be transferred into archive files with the recently installed QUADRIGA•Video system.

The Saudi Center for Digital Content
The Saudi Center for Digital Content is a Saudi Arabian government's reference and training center. The aim of the SCDC is to teach the profession of audiovisual migration at the highest international quality standards. SCDC is supposed to support Saudi archives in their digitization and media unlocking journey. The SCDC is funded directly by the King Abdulaziz Foundation in Darah.

Interview with Thomas Worschech (DFF)
Thomas Worschech (DFF) and Jörg Houpert (Cube-Tec) talk about how working practices have changed since the QUADRIGA INSPECTIONscan was introduced at Deutsches Filminstitut & Filmmuseum.
The interview was conducted in German, but there are extensive English subtitles, which you can activate at the bottom right of the player.

Interview with Eroc, Mastering Engineer, original Grobschnitt member and solo artist
The Eroc interview about his artistic lifetime achievement.
Follow the stages as a founding member of the German Rock band Grobschnitt, as a solo artist, to his career as a mastering engineer, his plans for the future and his relation to Cube-Tec VPIs.

Steinberg plugins in today’s world, an Interview with the producer Georg Walt
The unique sound characteristics of plug-ins from the first generation is on risk to get lost.
The producer Georg Walt talks about why the sound of the plug-ins of that time is so special and how he manages to use them productively in current productions when interviewed by Stefan Zachau, Sound Engineer of Cube-Tec.