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Bremen, 22 Sep 2014 - IABM judges recognised Cube-Tec for its outstanding achievements with the product MXF Legalizer

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Since February 2011, WDR mediagroup digital (WDRmg digital) is migrating the analog and digital Betacam tape library of the largest broadcaster in Germany, the Westdeutscher Rundfunk (WDR).

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ProSiebenSat.1 Produktion has ordered an MXF Legalizer system to improve QC and media repair processes of MXF files delivered by the numerous media suppliers of ProSiebenSat.1 Produktion.

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Cube-Tec International is specialized in quality assurance solutions for large media archives. MXF Legalizer converts video files of different sources into standards compliant MXF files that interoperate perfectly with products from different manufacturers.

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Bremen, Vienna, Munich Aug. 2013 – Austrian Broadcaster ORF goes for MXF Legalizer ORF detected a defective collection of MXF files.

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In larger media organisations MXF experts still stay busy all the day to solve compatibility issues arising in the different file-based workflows. The goal of this cooperation is to provide intelligent tools to reduce the effort needed to achieve reliable interoperability.