With its four brand new INSPECTIONscan systems, the BFI National Archive has dramatically increased efficiency for inspecting its film treasures and making them accessible without risking fragile film reels.

As the two technology leaders in film archiving, Prasad/DFT and Cube-Tec address the same markets with perfectly complementary products. By joining forces in sales representation and by harmonising interfaces and workflows, we can create significant added value for our customers.
Within the rebuild of the former historical Royal Palace in the center of Berlin - QUADRIGA serves for the digital preservation of audiovisual carriers from Berlin Phonogramm Archive, department of Ethnological Museum and part of Prussian Cultural Heritage Foundation.
Christoph Forster and Tom Lorenz have given a joint presentation on October 19 at 12 noon CET with the title: "Quality Control and Enhancement for German Football Archive". If you missed our session or want to view it again, recordings will be available on the Conference platform of …

Do you know QUADRIGA INSPECTIONscan? We believe that this technology will change the laborious inspection work fundamentally. INSPECTIONscan will support you throughout the entire inspection process of analogue film rolls.
The State Library in Dresden (SLUB) is entrusted by the Free State of Saxony with the implementation of the Safeguarding of the Audiovisual Heritage in Saxony. Within this framework, analog film, video, and audio documents (AV media) are digitized on a large scale by external service …