Amsterdam, 6. August 2015
Cube-Tec @ IBC 2015
Cube-Tec will unveil major product releases:
MXF Legalizer, CubeWorkflow 2.0, Quadriga Video Ingest Module and CubeFlows.

At IBC 2015 Cube-Tec will present new solutions for the integration of novel media QC and automatic MXF file repair. Optimized human workflows for the supervision of QC results and media restoration will be introduced.
A streamlined QA and media repair chain will be presented at IBC show floor. For this, we will demonstrate the integration of IRT MXF Analyser, Digimetrics Aurora, Joanneum Research VidiCert and HS-Art Diamant restoration suite and the AudioCube.
Stand 5.C41
MXF Legalizerâ„¢
MXF container cleaning - for standard conformity and beyond! Convert incoming MXF file fully automatic in interoperable MXF files in a high-speed file-based process, with or without EBU R 128 loudness correction.
CubeWorkflow 2.0 is the next generation for file-based media business automation and workgroup efficiency.
- rich web-based BPMN process designer
- automated audiovisual content verification with QC metadata enrichment
- flexible file-based media processing, transcoding and automatic restoration
- agile methods for business process definitions
- rich web-based user centric interface
- personalized graphical dashboards for ad-hoc analytics and reporting
- transcoding server farm with intelligent load balancing
- designed around new open media standards like EBU/AMWA FIMS framework
Quadriga Video Ingest Module
Migration of Videotapes into the digital archive with all the advantages of a sophisticated QC and flexibility of a workflow solution.
CubeFlows - webbased BPMN process modelling for Media Organisations, with Collaborated process model design an validation, version control and role-based user rights.
Come and see a complete workflow from legacy ingest, transcoding, quality control and digital preservation.
See you in Amsterdam! RAI Hall Number 5, Stand 5.C41