Cube-Tec @ FIAF Congress 2019

The FIAF Congress 2019 is around the corner (April 07-13) and will take place in Lausanne, Switzerland, hosted by the Cinémathèque suisse.

If you also attend the Congress, use the opportunity to talk to the Cube-Tec team in person. We will bring interesting news with us, of course.

This year Cube-Tec we will present at FIAF Congress:

QUADRIGA•Film Examiner

For automated quality inspection & feature extraction, with a complete integrated workflow from film scanning to digital restoration / colour grading and generating an advanced inspection report incl. QC dashboards.


Based on a specially developed 35mm test film, Calibration-Inspector precisely measures and documents the current opto-mechanical condition of a film scanner. This happens within a fully-automated process.


As a premiere Cube-Tec will present a new tool to streamline the frame accurate comparisons of different film variants. What makes this premier even more special is that we can show a proof-of-concept with a current film restoration project at DFF (Deutsches Filminstitut & Filmmuseum) to examine and compare frame accurate four versions (first copies) of a silent feature-length comedy-thriller from 1930.