Die NAB 2016 steht an (16.-21. April). Kommen und sehen Sie in NAB Labs Futures Park Cube-Tecs neuste Entwicklungen im Gemeinschaftsstand der AMWA und der EBU, welche sich dieses Jahr in der südlichen UpperHall befindet.
Accessibility is king to audiovisual archives. For this, standard compliant media formats are paramount. We love to assist you in preserving the value of your collections with the automation of QC and format correction processes.
Meet the Cube-Tec team at the JTS 2016 in Singapore, 7-9 March 2016 - The Joint Technical Symposium (JTS) is an international symposium organized under the auspices of UNESCO affiliate the Co-ordinating Council of Audiovisual Archives Associations (CCAAA) and its members Technical …
The next World Conference will take place from Wednesday October 7th Saturday October 10th 2015 in Vienna and will be hosted by the Technical Museum in Vienna (Technisches Museum Wien).
Cube-Tec will unveil major product releases: MXF Legalizer, CubeWorkflow 2.0, Quadriga Video Ingest Module and CubeFlows.
At IBC 2015 Cube-Tec will present advanced solutions for the integration of novel automatic media QC & file repair including automatic and semi-automatic workflows for the supervision of QC results.