This year we had a very special surprise for our visitors at the Hamburg Open event. We provided private sessions with live demonstrations of the MXF Legalizer installation direct in the production rooms of Studio Hamburg Postproduction. Visitors could watch MXF Legalizer working on a live …

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Access to the content is the final step in an archival media chain that starts with the digitization of the physical media carrier. The improvement of the whole chain requires advanced process automation. But the increase of efficiency through automation is only possible up to a certain …

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Cube-Tec unveils major product releases: MXF Legalizer, CubeWorkflow 2.0, QUADRIGA Video, MXF Loudness Assimilator and CubeFlows. Large amounts of legacy content is still stored on video cassettes and similar media with a limited shelf life. Conventionally, this archived material is …

Over the last few years the annual Hands-On HD Workshop & Network event in Hanover has become a "testing laboratory" for film and television production of the future. nordmedia, the media company of the states of Lower Saxony and Bremen will again be organising this event which is unique …

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ARRI's third annual archive and restoration workshop in Munich has come to a close and was, once again, a great success.

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Together with leading media technology companies like IBM, Sony and Avid, Cube-Tec International develops an open media framework for Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) which fulfills the new requirements in the TV and media industry.