Bremen, 09. May 2018

FIAF Review: Cube-Tec presents QUADRIGAFilm Workflow

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At FIAF Congress in Prague, Cube-Tec presented the two products Calibration-InspectorFilm and QUADRIGAFilm.

For the first time, QUADRIGAFilm Workflow was introduced to the film archiving experts. The concept of analysing and collecting all technical metadata and moving them from the film scanning through the whole image processing pipeline (including restoration and color correction of production copies) and producing in-depth inspection reports has been acknowledged by conference delegates as an important step forward.

QUADRIGA•Filmquality controlled film migration

QUADRIGAFilm provides a factory approach for high quality scanning of large film collections, especially homogeneous collections like 16mm broadcast news. Scanning in faster than real-time is supported. QUADRIGAFilm can remote control multiple film scanners to maximize operator efficiency. Special resolution and colour test targets are used to calibrate the film scanner in an automated process.

Calibration-Inspector•Filmstate-of-the art objective measurements

Calibration-Inspector precisely measures and documents the current opto-mechanical condition of a film scanner. This happens within a fully-automated process. Calibration-Inspector should be used before any of the archive films are scanned.

You have further questions? We are happy to help!

Tel: +49 421-20144-0