Asheville, 1. May 2009

Cube-Tec International Establishes Subsidiary in North America

In February 2009, Cube-Tec International has opened its US-based subsidiary, Cube-Tec North America LLC. Cube-Tec’s decision to establish operations in North America is based primarily on the custom nature of most archival installations.

Rob Poretti (formerly with Sascom) has joined Cube-Tec as Sales Engineer and is responsible for the QUADRIGA, DOBBIN and CubeWorkflow product groups. Rob’s extensive background with the product line, along with his wide range of industry experience spanning 25+ years, is a huge asset to the Cube-Tec team.

Cube-Tec North America is located in Asheville, North Carolina, and operated by Stephen Smith, who is also part of the Cube-Tec client support team.

Cube-Tec’s long-standing North American partner Sascom continues to manage sales and distribution of the well known AudioCube and VPI product lines for Pro Tools and Sequoia.

The new structure has already proven an efficient link between Cube-Tec developers and end-users, vital to a successful system design and implementation. The first clients benefiting from the new structure have been Library of Congress, The National Archives and New York University.