The large-scale, quality-controlled production workflow at MediaPreseve has now been further enhanced. Thanks to its QUADRIGA•Video installation, Pittsburgh-based service provider MediaPreserve has broken its own record for daily videotape throughput by transferring 700 videotapes from …
Holger Ziegler of DFF* presents an exciting film digitization project. It is a very good illustration of the unexpected archival and ethical challenges that can be associated with such work.

As the two technology leaders in film archiving, Prasad/DFT and Cube-Tec address the same markets with perfectly complementary products. By joining forces in sales representation and by harmonising interfaces and workflows, we can create significant added value for our customers.
From time to time Cube-Tec shares some insights into the practical work of QUADRIGA users with the archive community. Listen to Lou Burkart, member of the digitization team at the DFF* - Deutsches Filminstitut & Filmmuseum, providing a brief insight into her daily work.
Cube-Tec recently published an interview we had with Tonnie van Els and his colleague Margot Knijn about special QUADRIGA•Audio Multi-Channel Modes. Tonnie has additionally published an article on avanet.nl which is strongly related, so we have translated it from Dutch into English to …
Learn how John Greenham mastered Billie Eilish songs like - Bad Guy - using Cube-Tec VPIs. John explains in the series "Mix with the Masters" how he produced world successes using Cube-Tec’s Virtual Precision Instruments (VPIs) like "AnalogEQ" and "Loudness Maximizer" among other great …