As the Legal Deposit for all sound carrier published in Germany the Deutsche National Bibliothek ordered for their Deutsches Musikarchiv in Berlin a CD-Inspector robot system to check and transfer the CDs to mass-storage.
To supervise the quality of analog playback machines, Cube-Tec has invented a full-automatic inspection procedure using specialized alignment tapes, cassettes and discs for coarse- & micro-grooves.
Library and Archives Canada preserves Canadas documentary heritage. This heritage includes more than 270,000 hours of video and sound recordings.
Lithuanian National Radio and Television (LRT) is a non-profit public broadcaster in Vilnius, Lithuania.
Sveriges Radio Förvaltnings AB (SRF), based in Stockholm, is the public service provider for Swedish Radio and Swedish Television.
On March 17, 2010, the 4th European QUADRIGA User Meeting took place in Paris at INA, the National Archive of French Public Television and Radio Broadcasters.