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Most media organisations have to fight the rapid growth of data size and diversity in their file-based workflows. This leads to alarming additional expenses which can only be controlled by a more efficient design of the processes.

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Cube-Tec International has finished installation of a fully automated broadcast media finalization system for the BR-Hörfunk. The system is on its way to be integrated into the technical infrastructure of the public broadcasting authority for Bavaria.

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A joint EBU-Advanced Media Workflow Association (AMWA) project that will enable broadcasters to save money and work smarter has won the prestigious Judges' Prize at the International Broadcasting Convention, in Amsterdam. The IBC2012 Awards Ceremony took place in the RAI Auditorium on Sunday …

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Bremen, September 2012 – Cube-Tec's contribution on the QUADRIGA Video RF direct transfer technology – a joint development of Fraunhofer IIS and Cube-Tec International – was voted one of the top seven papers presented at IBC 2012, the premier annual conference for electronic media and …

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Crossroads Europe, leading supplier of tape backup solutions, and Cube-Tec International are cooperating to make long-term media archiving and quality monitoring for big data more secure and comfortable.

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The integration of Clipster ® and VENICE into Cube-Tec's workgroup management solutions increases the speed and efficiency of the archive workflow to unprecedented levels.