For nearly one year now Studio Hamburg is using MXF Legalizer in productive use to output quality-controlled MXF files. This secures conformance to the client format requirements. With the MXF Legalizer repair process all output files have a homogeneous structure conforming in all details to …
ORF detected a defective collection of MXF files. Those files came from an earlier mass migration project of SD video tapes. In total, about eight thousand hours of video material were affected to a degree that no further usage was possible.

The German broadcaster Südwestrundfunk (SWR) has implemented a modern infrastructure based on Service Oriented Architecture. Cube-Tec delivered a system to manage Loudness Control and quality checks. The Loudness Calculator from Cube-Tec is integrated into the Enterprise Service Bus via SOAP …
At All India Radio, Cube-Tec installs 11 multi-machine QUADRIGA digitization workstations and 5 AudioCube restoration systems. The database system with a web based user interface for descriptive metadata has been specially designed for All India Radio. Several existing legacy database …
November 2013 the MXF Legalizer technology was presented in a lecture and live demonstration at the MXF QC meeting in Munich. Jörg Houpert showed a new high-speed process to convert MXF files for improved interoperability and standard compliance. MXF Legalizer uses specialized integrated …
In larger media organisations MXF experts still stay busy all the day to solve compatibility issues arising in the different file-based workflows. The goal of this cooperation is to provide intelligent tools to reduce the effort needed to achieve reliable interoperability.