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WDR is installing MXF Legalizer systems for QC and file correction from and to its HiRes-Archive. Conversion to the new German ARD/ZDF MXF profiles is another requirement. The HiRes-Archive of Westdeutscher Rundfunk (WDR) is the central datastore of video files that is used in the production …

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Bremen, Berlin, 10. August 2015 - IVZ goes for Cube-Tec MXF Legalizer to correct on a large-scale MXF format adulterations.

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Bremen, Germany, 10th April 2015 – MXF Legalizer recovers archive files in Portugal and will be used as a gateway to ensure the correctness of MXF files before they are moved into the long-term archive.

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As the first manufacturer worldwide Cube-Tec received a certificate from the Broadcast Technology Institute (IRT) for the product MXF Legalizer for being able to create special constraint MXF flavors conforming to the new German MXF profile.

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Bremen, 22 Sep 2014 - IABM judges recognised Cube-Tec for its outstanding achievements with the product MXF Legalizer

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Since February 2011, WDR mediagroup digital (WDRmg digital) is migrating the analog and digital Betacam tape library of the largest broadcaster in Germany, the Westdeutscher Rundfunk (WDR).