The QUADRIGA® trilogy will see its world debut at this year’s IBC.

Time is pressing to reformat physical video- and moving-image carrier-based collections now.

Cube-Tec has previously developed the QUADRIGA migration technology together with the research and development departments of Institut für Rundfunktechnik (IRT) and the Fraunhofer Institute (FhG IIS).

There are separate highly specialized QUADRIGA solutions for audio, video and film-based carrier collections. As QUADRIGAAudio is recognized as the leading technology in the world for quality controlled large-scale migration from physical audio carriers, QUADRIGAVideo has inherited the same magical properties. With constant monitoring of VTR Interactive Status Reporting (ISR) and advanced RF level surveillance and real-time AV-signal analytics an operator can supervise four VTR playback devices with a single standard PC workstation using the playback-while-recording mode. QUADRIGAVideo is well on course to follow in QUADRIGA’s successful footsteps.

QUADRIGAFilm is the latest incarnation and has its world debut at IBC 2017. Equipped with pioneering features the new moving image migration solution was developed in cooperation with MWA Nova and 5micron.

QUADRIGAFilm includes new inventions in sensor technology and a tension controlled film movement avoiding a capstan drive and sprocket wheels to minimize stress for fragile archive film. The software measures and classifies photochemical and mechanical attributes. It can distinguish between superimposed and surface damage by using a newly developed, patent pending, double-sided surface diagnostic sensor as well as a picture analytic technique. The first generation surface diagnostic sensor was developed by 5micron as part of the German dwerft research project. Its diagnostics utilize dark field measurements supporting extremely fine resolution measured in sub-microns. QUADRIGA automatically documents any perforation damage and the condition and types of film splices as well as film shrinkage.

The reasons why are different, depending on the media types, but not executing a strict, timetabled process for concluding the final move to the all-digital audiovisual archive will bequeath a big future burden for any audiovisual archive.

There will be only one chance to get the final transfer to the all-digital archive right. For institutions with large single carrier collections there is no time left for continuous learning. Selection of the right migration equipment is a critical decision right now. Even with an outsourced migration project this decision should never be delegated to a digitization service provider.

What is desperately needed is a highly cost-efficient migration technology that drastically increases efficiency by parallelization but guarantees trustworthy transfer quality. This requires a mind shift to a production line approach driven digitization setup. The products used thus far for migration from video and film carriers haven’t solved this requirement. Only a next generation technology is able to solve this demanding requirement for trustworthy large-scale media migration. The production line approach must provide a fully monitored process with parallelization and implement an elaborate quality control process. Continuous supervision of the signal extraction and signal processing path must be fully integrated into the migration workflow.

Visit the Cube-Tec stand at IBC 2017 in Amsterdam to learn how QUADRIGA can solve your migration requirements.

Stand # 5.C41