File Processing Units
The DOBBIN FPUs (File Processing Units) are plug-ins designed for specialist tasks used in the DOBBIN system. They are the core of the WorkUnits. The JobDesigner displays them as drag & drop modules that can be used for designing a workflow.

An example - the MD5 Checker

If you want to check the MD5 checksum of your audio data, you can use the MD5 Checker.The blue line stands for audio data. Important here is that a blue line can contain metadata as well - in the audio file itself or in an external meta file. Input on the red line indicates that the data is metadata only. The green lines are used for binary controlling signals.
Way of working:
The audio file is assigned as the input to the MD5 Checker via the blue line. An external MD5 checksum is input via the red line. The audio file can be shunted through the FPU and be used in the next process. The green line passes the information to a deciding unit, whether the check of the MD5 was OK or not.