Der U-Matic•Inspector ist die fortschrittlichste Software für die kontrollierte Übertragung von U-Matic PreMaster Tapes und Session Tapes in digitale Archive. Die U-Matic•Inspector-Lösung besteht aus einer Kombination der drei Hauptkomponenten: Die U-Matic•Inspector Software, U-MaticDTA und U-MaticCapture

- Überwachung des digitalen Übertragungsstatus
- XML Ausgabe / Anzeige von CRC, MUTE, AVERAGE und HOLD Fehlern
- Ausgabeformate: DDP, BWF, WAV plus XML metadata
- Timecode Überwachung
- Ausgabe von PQ Fehlern
- Importierung von externen PQ-Daten
- Das Fehlerberichtformat ist mit allen anderen QUADRIGA-Modulen kompatibel
The U-Matic•Inspector solution consists of a combination of three components:

U-Matic•Inspector Software U-MaticDTA (Digital-Tape-Analyzer) (19" x 1U enclosure) monitors up to four U-Matic-Recorders (DMR 2000, DMR 4000) simultaneously U-MaticCapture (19" x 2U enclosure) is the digital interface between U-Matic•Inspector and the PCM 1610 or 1630 (PCM 1610/1630 must have an AES output or an SDIF to AES converter). The U-Matic•Inspector capturing process starts with reading the PQ-burst on the tape. If there is no PQ-burst present it can be loaded from diskette, or the tape can be read manually. After reading the PQ-burst, U-Matic•Inspector locates the U-Matic tape to approximately 30 seconds before TOC-Start, puts the machine into play, and starts capturing at TOC-Start. It creates a DDP-file set of the whole tape including the PQ-data or standard BWF or WAV files. The Timecode is supervised and CRC, MUTE, AVERAGE and HOLD errors are displayed with time stamps in the on-screen REPORT window, and are written into an XML file. U-Matic•Inspector is capable of managing this import process on up to four U-Matic machines simultaneously.
U-MaticDTA feeds the status (error output) of the U-Matic Recorder to the U-MaticCapture while the status is interpreted by U-Matic•Inspector software.
U-MaticCapture also captures the AES outputs of the PCM1610/30 and converts the workstations RS 232 signal to Sony 9-Pin protocol. Both 19" boxes are clocked to wordclock.