Cube-Tec International entwickelt integrierte Lösungen für große Medienarchive. Als ein Pionier in der Qualitätskontrolle bei Medienworkflows konzentriert sich die Firma auf offene Standards und agile Prozessautomation. Cube-Tec kommt dabei die lange Erfahrung bei großen Mediendigitalisierungsprojekten zugute. Desweiteren liefert Cube-Tec führende Produkte zur technischen Qualitätsüberprüfung von Medienformaten (content verification), sowie Werkzeuge zur Automatisierung von Abläufen in der Verarbeitung großer, dateibasierter Medienbestände (workflow automation), sowohl mit referenzbasierten und mit referenzfreien Messmethoden zur Beurteilung der technischen Medienqualität.
QUADRIGA, die weltweite Referenz in der Archivmigration, bietet hocheffiziente Lösungen für die Neuformatierung großer Sammlungen von physischen Medien. Ausgegeben werden hochwertige Audio-, Video- oder Filmarchiv-Masterdateien. QUADRIGA kombiniert eine strenge Qualitätskontrolle mit einem außergewöhnlich hohen Datendurchsatz.
Zur Optimierung von Workflows in großen Medienverarbeitungsprojekten bietet CubeWorkflow eine verteilte, qualitätsgesteuerte Prozessautomatisierung für audiovisuelle Inhalte. Der Kern von CubeWorkflow ist die flexible regelbasierte Workflow- und Analyse-Engine, die ereignisgesteuert arbeitet und flexible browserbasierte Dashboards bietet.
Mit Installation bei mehr als 100 Organisationen in 26 Ländern, werden Cube-Tecs Produkte und Lösungen von vielen der größten und angesehensten Rundfunkbetreibern, Medienarchiven und Mediendienstleistern genutzt; dies macht Cube-Tec in diesem Nischenmarkt zum Weltmarktführer.
Cube-Tec hat seine Technologien an Firmen wie Adobe (für Premiere Pro) und Steinberg Media Technologies lizensiert, liefert Lösungen für Bundes- und Regierungsdienststellen in der ganzen Welt und arbeitet aktiv in europäischen Forschungsprojekten mit. Cube-Tec International ist aktives Mitglied bei Standard entwickelnden Institutionen wie SMPTE, AMWA und EBU.
Cube-Tec International gründete 2009 ein Tochterunternehmen in den USA, die Cube-Tec North America LLC und pflegt langjährige Handelspartnerschaften in allen Kontinenten.

Wir machen Medienorganisationen erfolgreich, indem wir ihre Mitarbeiter mit technischen Innovationen unterstützen!
Management Team

Jörg Houpert studied electrical engineering at the University of Bremen, with the focus on digital signal processing and psychoacoustics. For more than ten years Jörg has been a sustaining member of the International Association of Sound and Audiovisual Archives (IASA), the German Acoustical Society (DEGA) and the Association of the German Tonmeister (VDT). Furthermore, he is an active member of the Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers (SMPTE) and the German Society of Television and Motion-Picture Engineers (FKTG). Within the EBU technical communities, Jörg provides support in order to harmonize media technology according to the recommendations of the European Broadcasting Union and works on the standardization of interoperable media services in the Advanced Media Workflow Association (AMWA). Moreover, he holds a few patents and pending patents in the field of digital signal processing and has more than 20 years of project management experience from entrepreneur to heading engineering groups with more than 30 graduated engineers. His pioneering work has lead to working relationships with the most prestigious and demanding institutions all over the world. In his capacity as Cube-Tec International's technical director his current interest is to develop new technologies for the safeguarding of the worldwide audiovisual cultural heritage and to create better solutions for the management of media workflows.

Tom Lorenz studied sound engineering at the Academy of Music Berlin from 1987 to 1993. After having received his degree as a Diplom-Tonmeister, he worked as a sales and support engineer for Sonic Solutions. As a project engineer for Media Consult International, a subsidiary company of Studio Hamburg, Tom implemented studio installations in Broadcast stations inside and outside of Germany from 1995 to 2002. He then joined HDA/Cube-Tec as a sales engineer in 2002 and became one of the managing partners of Cube-Tec International in 2006. In his daily business as Cube-Tec's sales director Tom benefits from more than 15 years of experience with highly professional clients in the audio industry.
The core members of Cube-Tec's development and quality assurance team have been working together for more than 10 years which makes them a highly efficient and optimized team.
Firmen Hintergrund
The German based medium-sized company has been known for its outstanding mastering, restoration and archive solutions in the audio domain for more than 15 years now.
The company came into being as part of the restructuring of Houpert Digital Audio (HDA) which was founded in 1990 and developed the AudioCube digital audio workstation, known for its ultra-high quality mastering and restoration technology. At the same time, the ARD (German Public Service Broadcasting Network) and the European Broadcast Union research groups were looking for solutions to ensure the quality of the final transfer from single sound carriers to mass-storage devices.
This project was coordinated by the Institut für Rundfunktechnik (IRT, Broadcast Technology Institute).
Their cooperation with HDA enabled them to specify the feature set for a special archive ingest workstation. HDA is also known for its QUADRIGA - the first dedicated quality-controlled audio mass-digitization workstation developed in 1998.